I thought nothing could top the high dramatic prose of the
Dagestani wedding or the bizarre seriousness of the cable about
'anti-American' Canadian TV shows but we've hit big now - Anna Nicole Smith and her dealings in the Bahamas was subject of two cables from the US embassy in Nassau, now just published by
the Guardian via
WikiLeaks. And it's
quite a read too!
The Guardian best sums up the cable as 'poetically and revealingly' written and 'harnessing all the drama of a Mills and Boon novel'. The US ambassador could be forgiven for going a tiny bit overboard with descriptions such as 'not since Category 4 Hurricane Betsy made landfall in 1965 has one woman done as much damage in Nassau'. The biggest revelation though is that the scandals and chaos that followed in the wake of the former Playboy model and reality TV star had apparently a 'positive impact on the island' by revitalising the Bahamanian media and leading to a more democratic society. Who would have thunk!?!
What I am looking forward to is seeing the likes of celebrity gossip outlets E!News and Heat magazine reporting this! WikiLeaks will now be penetrating a (so far) disinterested demographic. The US government should be worried now.
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