20 May 2011

Desperate Central Asian Housewives - Episode 3 - Mehriban is the big Eurovision 2012 supremista

Mehriban Aliyeva (smiling, right) - airing ideas with friend about going low profile next year
being the beautiful female Eurovision hostess with her hubby, the prez, being the ugly male Eurovision host with the crooked teeth

Well I never! Isn't it funny how things diverge like they do. Last episode, Azerbaijan's first lady and glamour queen, the ever-smiling Mehriban Aliyeva was accused of having it off with Belarusian comb-over specialist, President Aleksandr Lukashenko. Since then, the Italian paper that made the accusation published a grovelling apology to the Aliyevs and Azerbaijan. That's a big 'phew' because Azerbaijan was threatening to pull the plug on Italy from future lucrative (but stalled) gas pipeline plans such as Nabucco. Imagine how much gas companies and the transit fees the Italian government would have lost had Italy been excluded. Well, that's settled then. Moving on...

Aliyevy Azerbaijan has since been thrown into the limelight ever since winning the Eurovision Song Contest last week. The country's leaders are in a tizz and already organisation of next year's extravaganza is in full swing. Just now, the list of members for the organising committee have been announced, and low and behold, how nice and what a surprise (well, not really) that our ever-smiling desperate Central Asian housewife, Mehriban Aliyeva, will be chairing the committee. How does she juggle all the work she does - heading the 'Heydar Aliyev Foundation', being a UNESCO goodwill ambassador, appearing in video clips about 'peace', caring a lot, being a member of parliament, photo shoots with her sisters, oops, I mean her daughters for Russian Vogue, and all that shopping for the fancy frocks she wears. Amazing, really, and all with the same expression on her face.

La Aliyeva (left) always displays unbridled joy when meeting foreign guests

A big question is being asked as to where the Eurovision song jamboree will be held as the largest venue at present in Baku holds about 7500 people. Considering the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf held about 36,000, Azerbaijan will need something bigger than what they have. Already the Azeri authorities have indicated that they will build a new venue in time for the fanboys to cheer on the 3-minute songs. Now that La Aliyeva is head of the committee, who do you think they'll get to build such a place? Well, perhaps a company with plenty of experience in this area - Pasha Construction. This company has been responsible for the construction of many wanky, ego-stroking projects in and around Baku, such as shopping malls, business centres, 5-star hotels, luxury apartments and even a beach resort for the Marriott group. You know, these are the types of places an overwhelming majority of Azeris have no hope in hell in enjoying. Check out their website for more details and some lovely pics of these architectural delights (or blights). Now, isn't it a coincidence that Pasha Construction, part of the Pasha Holding Group, is controlled by the Pashayev family i.e. Mehriban Aliyeva née Pashayeva's family... Of course, La Aliyeva née Pashayeva is only doing this because she selflessly cares. Nothing official has been announced yet, but don't be surprised... just wear the same expression La Aliyeva wears.

However, the US State Department, in a cable published by WikiLeaks, would have other ideas as to the true objectives of La Aliyeva and her family, judging by this cable. Check out the details about the Pashayev's plan of spending huge money on museums in an effort to attract a Guggenheim to Baku (hey, it worked for Abu Dhabi - hardly the pin-up for freedom and democracy), and of Baku's new Museum of Modern Art featuring Mehriban's private collection. The museum was designed by Altay Sadikhzade, a local artist/designer married to Nargiz Pashayeva - Mehriban's sister. No expense was spared in the construction of the museum, which highlights Soviet-era Azerbaijani artists, including Altay (whose portraits of Mehriban, Nargiz and Arif Pashayev - daddy to Mehriban and Nargiz and head of Azerbaijan's National Aviation Academy, are at the centre of the galleries). Must add too that Mehriban's uncle Hafiz was Azeri ambassador to the US for 13 years and is now the deputy foreign minister. So the Pashayevs are pretty high up... much like the case in other places where the desperate dictator housewives rule (or used to rule... hey Leila Ben Ali and Suzanne Mubarak).

It might be a stab in the dark here but it won't be Azerbaijan and its hard-working and proud people but the ruling Pashayev and Aliyev families who will be benefiting most from Eurovision next year. Am I wrong?

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