Miss Russia, known also by her mortal name Irina Antonenko, will soon depart for Las Vegas to represent her country in the Miss Universe competition. In her suitcase is a custom-designed dress embroidered in gold, becrusted with sapphires and amethysts, and, sorry to say Pamela Anderson, trimmed in sable fur. It is supposed to resemble the old tsars’ crown, ye olde Monomakh’s Cap. Total cost? US$60,000.

But if you think that is extravagence, then check this out. In 2006, when the now-bankrupt Greece was living high on the hog with other people's funny money, it hosted the Eurovision Song Contest. Their representative that year was Anna Vissi, left, who wore this Jean Paul Gaultier outfit. How much did Greek public broadcaster pay for this disaster of an ensemble? €200,000, no less. Please charge it to Germany, efharisto para poly.
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