The spin doctors operating in some of Macedonia's political parties and media, who tirelessly work for the Greek cause use a few tricks all with the purpose to convince the Macedonian public to change its own name and to accept the compromise proposal 'Republic of North Macedonia'. This time we will show that their 'arguments' have as much worth as Yugoslav dinars.
Lie number 1
The name has already been changed and they're just waiting for a date for that to be announced
This is a line being put forward by Macedonian opposition parties and their media fellow travellers (columnists and 'experts'), all for the purpose of weaking the so-called 'hard core' who under no circumstances want to change the name; a reason why the current Macedonian government still polls very high. Their impetus can be witnessed in two segments - the first is clearly partisan, while the second is clearly in cooperation with Greek political elements that so far remain in the domain of speculation.
That is to say, partisan logic suggests that because the biggest reason for the high approval ratings for the current ruling nationalist party is their strong stance on the name issue, if they were to change the name, no doubt their high opinion polls would mindspinningly tumble, being that they will lose the largest part of the trust they had obtained. So here is the opposition's chance.
In other words, by witnessing the daily Macedonian political scene, you see politicians constantly describing their political opponents as false patriots misleading the public. If this were to be proven (i.e. if the ruling party changes the name), automatically the opposition will come to power claiming in part that it was right about the ruling party's treachery all the time, and that valuable time was just lost.
The second element can be found in the connections of prominent opposition party members, 'experts' etc. with Greek political elements, as evident even in the book written by independent Macedonia's first president Kiro Gligorov. It's not possible to go into detail now, however a large section of the Macedonian public believes that soon enough lists of Macedonian journalists, quasi-experts and the like who are on the Greek payroll will be released.
Why is this a lie?
1. Because if a Macedonian government at any time were to announce a name change, they would face losing government and would end up being on the backburner of history, just like their party predecessor who was held up as a 'legend' but finished up less than glorious. Furthermore, the chances of a popular uprising are very high, something that would have an uncertain end.
2. Because they have been saying this now for 4 years and may continue to do so for another 40, but the aim will be only to weaking the Macedonian resolve. In other words, this lie is as effective as a pogo stick in quicksand.
3. Because if this was true, then the current Macedonian government would not have launched legal proceedings against Greece at the International Court in The Hague, or make moves in an attempt to mimick Greek policy (statues of ancient heroes etc.), nor constantly insist that there would be a referendum on the name. If it were so, the government would simply wait for a lull before announcing capitulation.
Lie Number 2
Any other name is better than 'Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' (FYROM)
And this hypothesis comes from the same circles and has the same purpose as lie number 1 - to weaken Macedonia's positions in talks and to brainwash the Macedonian public. In other words, according to this hypothesis, FYROM is a 'necrophilic' name that is much worse than 'North' therefore the name should be changed immediately by accepting the Greek proposal.

1. Because it is wrongly devised. Namely, FYROM is a 'reference' and not the legal 'name' by which Macedonia is represented at UN and other international organisations. So long as there is this 'reference' Macedonia can fight to receive international support through the recognition of its true name - Republic of Macedonia, which it has been doing these past 18 years, and has achieved from over 120 countries worldwide. If Macedonia were to accept a change in name, then it's the end to all this. Macedonia would have to accept the name Republic of North Macedonia and bye-bye to the Macedonian name.
2. Because noone so far (except Greek nationalists) have used terms such as Fyromian for the language or people of Macedonia. Macedonians are still referred to as Macedonians by an overwhelming majority of the world's population or, at the very least, citizens of FYR Macedonia by the bean counters in Brussels. If the name 'Republic of North Macedonia' were to be accepted, as much as they convince otherwise, Macedonians will become 'North Macedonians' just like how the citizens of North Korea are known as 'North Koreans' and the citizens of South Africa as 'South Africans', as the term 'Macedonian' will imply citizens of Greece with Greek ethnicity that live in the Greek region of Macedonia. That's how it says in Wikipedia, in the UN and all other powerful organisations. That is Greece's aim - so much so that their leaders don't even hide this fact.
3. Because in the name talks, the Greeks are also placing additional conditions which not only mean a change of Macedonia's name but also a change of identity and prefixes and such. With the current 'reference', the Macedonians are not obligated to use the term 'Fyromians' or 'Fyromese' etc.
4. Because to the rest of the unencumbered world, Macedonians are still Macedonians. If you were to go to ... say Jamaica, there the gracious hosts will greet you as 'Macedonians'. However if Macedonia was to capitulate, expect to be awaited as 'North Macedonians', not matter how much you were to protest, as a name change would imply acceptance of being called that.
5. Because the Greeks would not smear their reputation as a 'problematic' country in foreign policy terms if they were happy with FYROM. Greece knows that if Macedonia were to enter the EU and NATO even under the FYROM reference, Macedonia soon enough would be freed from this cumbersome reference and win the dispute fully. The Greeks are fully aware that this reference is just plain silly to other countries, so that's why they are in full force in trying to pressure Macedonia to sign capitulation. To get this to happen, they have engaged the services of a large number of Macedonian journalists and quasi-experts who cry like little babies when someone, or they themselves are called 'traitors'.
Lie Number 3
The name must be changed (to solve the dispute) otherwise the Albanians will split
According to this construct, which also have the goal of scaring little children from their sleep, the Albanians are war-like people but also supposedly pro-European orientated, and who won't be waiting for the Macedonians to solve this 'irrational dispute' as the Albanians want express entry into the EU and NATO. That's why they'll go up in arms and will separate so as to join NATO and EU.
Why is this a lie?
1. Because this relies on many conditions and many shaky foundations. First of all, it is not for certain that without hesitation the EU would accept a supposedly war-like people facing huge problems with mafia and terrorist formations in all territories where they live (the Albanian mafia is seen to be one of the most problematic in the world), where weddings are characterised by the shooting of guns and armaments, and drug and prostitution trafficking has deeply entered into many facets of Albanian society. That's not to talk about the current anti-Muslim mood in a majority of European countries that are ever increasingly banning burqas, niqabs, minarets etc.
2. If the Albanians were to want to separate, it can be safe to assume that Macedonia will not allow that to happen in a peaceful way, which means that it would result in a military conflict, something noone wants - neither the citizens of Macedonia, nor neighbouring countries, let alone the EU and the USA. This means that if there were to be a new military conflict, the whole Balkans will remain, as now, stagnant for many more years. Therefore the Albanians would not get express entry into the EU or NATO. On the contrary, it would mean that Albania would remain outside the gates of Europe for many, many more years! This scenario was even warned by a group of Albanian intellectuals on TV in Albania's capital Tirana last year when they confronted the Albanian nationalist leader from Macedonia Menduh Thaqi, that his irredentist policies were working against the interests of all Albanians.
3. Let me pose to you a rhetorical question. If integration into the EU was more important for the Albanians than their national issues, then why did Kosovo then separate from Serbia? According to all indications, Serbia will integrate and join the EU much quicker than an independent Kosovo. Why then didn't they just simply remain as part of Serbia so they can enter the EU quicker, rather than form their own country, which for at least 10 years has no chance to even think about starting talks on EU membership? However, the fact is that when their national issues are at stake, they come first. Macedonia should be the same. Macedonia must keep its name and identity the same way how Macedonia understood Albanians' interest for Kosovo being independent, hence recognising it as an independent country.
Lie Number 4
Only in the EU and NATO can Macedonia survive
According to this construct, Macedonia cannot develop economically and politically by itself. On the contrary, Macedonia's survival is uncertain and that it's only a matter of time that the country will collapse, disappear or experience a cataclysm.
This lie has been told for more than 10 years and to be honest, its propensity gains strength only when the Macedonia's nationalist party is in power. This can be seen by going through Macedonian media archives and files on internet from the period when the ex-Communists were in power from 2002-2006, when none of the doomsdayers were emphasising this lie.
Why is this construct a lie?
1. Firstly, the creators of this lie never elaborate on their fatal scenario. Basically, what will happen with Macedonia and how will it 'no longer exist'. Will Macedonia be occupied by a neighbouring country; will it be bombed by a nuclear bomb; or will Macedonia be overcome by a serious plague? They just simply say that there won't be any more Macedonians, but how this will happen is not that clear. Honestly, I'm not planning of getting rid of myself anytime soon, nor do I think that at least another 2 million people, the population of Macedonia, are planning the same. That would mean someone would need to exterminate all 2 million of Macedonia's population. How this will happen? Please, could someone who says such constructs please explain?
2. Secondly, because in the course of history, this has proven to be a lie. It only serves to scare little children, while Macedonia still survives. It is not that Macedonians are satisifed being outside of the EU and NATIO and have little or no economic growth, but simply that the price to be paid for this, to self-renounce ourselves as a nation and people, is unacceptable.
3. Because the world's current power circles just would not allow Macedonia to collapse. The world's greater powers are fine with Macedonia and they are involved in the country with their economic and political structures, so they have no interest in making the fate of Macedonia's future uncertain.

By solving the name issue (by changing and selling the name Macedonia), it will all be milk and honey
This lie is the 'carrot', as opposed to the 'sticks' of the previous ones. Accordingly, when Macedonia changes its name, the hard transition period since the early 1990s will come to an immediate end, Macedonia will finally join the EU and NATO and all of its current economic, social and political problems will be solved. The Macedonians then will live happily ever after in Eldorado to the end of their lives. We just don't know who is the prince and who is the princess...
Why is this a lie?
1. Because every other 'carrot' so far have ended up as a lie. Macedonia changed its flag under pressure in 1995, accepted the reference FYROM under pressure, accepted more than 300,000 refugees fleeing Kosovo under pressure (despite Macedonia having no resources to look after such numbers), accepted a new Framework Agreement after a limited ethnic conflict in 2002 under pressure, and for all of the 'carrots' dangled in front of it for all this, it has come to nothing. Macedonia just desecrates itself, while Eldorado is looking much further away than the planet of Pluto.
2. Because if it were to change the name, Macedonia won't gain express entry to the EU. Instead talks will start which will drag out for 5-6 years minimum. That means that for Eldorado to arrive, Macedonians will need to wait at least that many years PLUS even more years on top for any possible economic effects (if any) from ever dwindling EU funds to achieve their minimum effect. That's notwithstanding all possible unpleasant future economic scenarios that are ever more present in recent times.
3. Because joining the EU and NATO has not solved Bulgaria's serious problems with corruption and poverty, while Greece is financially and socially bankrupt and will be in a terrible economic crisis for many years to come. Belgium is still threatened with a political split into Flanders and Walloonia entities, even though Brussels is the effective capital of the EU. If the above construct was true, then none of these countries would be facing these problems they have at present. Simply, the EU and NATO membership does not automatically mean all problems will be solved. Entry into these structures only means better political and economic conditions on certain terms and a possibility for greater prosperity, however not at the price of renouncing national identity.
In conclusion, the price to be paid in changing the name is just too much for what most likely will be too little. The rebuttal to Lie 5 say it best. The idea that EU membership will solve everything and that Macedonia overnight will become as prosperous and efficient as Germany is a delusion. Greece today, despite 30 years of billions of euros and the superficial application of EU standards, is still a corrupt, inefficient and essentially poor country no much different from Macedonia now (only with better roads). Some Macedonians consider the EU to be, either positively or negatively, as the new Tito Yugoslavia, when Macedonians lived like the Greeks of late - an artificially high standard of living funded by subsidies from northerly Germanic regions and credit, without any fundamental change to age-old traditions of corruption, nepotism and political patronage. Macedonia is still paying for that period, but a name change to only get the same will be even more devastating on identity and esteem. Fortunately most Macedonians are quite aware of this, that's why applying their first-hand experience with that other union of European nations - Yugoslavia, they see that multi-ethnic unions don't last. As what one Macedonian friend once told me: The EU is, like Yugoslavia was, just temporary; the name and national identity is forever, so why pay that price forever for something temporary.
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