The long awaited Korean Workers Party conference, that is. The historical meeting of the ruling party of North Korea, the first of its nature since 1980, has been anticipated as the vehicle to introduce Kim Jong-il's son and successor, Kim Jong-un, into the political limelight. However, even though the DPR Korean media have mentioned in past weeks that the conference will be held from the 6th to 9th of September (finishing in time for the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the DPR Korea), a total media blackout has been ordered and no news is coming out of Pyongyang. So where is that
Chinese businessman that Radio Free Asia seems to get all of its news from? The only reliable item comes from the Chinese
Xinhua News Agency that posted a report about how loyal Pyongyang citizens spent Sunday rehearsing the parade to herald national celebrations on the 9th. But not much else. So will all the speculation about Kim Jong-un actually end up being right? Watch this space and you'll know.
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