Much was publicised earlier this year in Serbia about Ana's extended trips over Christmas and New Year in Australia staying at Scott's family's place in Queensland. Of course it had nothing to do with acclimatising and participating in warm-up tournaments prior to the Ausralian Open on at the end of January. Ivanović even apparently said that she was delighted to be called 'Aussie Ana' (which the Serb press wrote as 'Ozi Ana' - be sure to say it in a Borat accent). Alas, the most significant tennis-ish couple in Australia since Lleyton Hewett and... whatever she's called... talentless chick from Home and Neighbours or something...I digress... will mean that this is just the start of a new fodder trough of photo exposés and exclusive scandals involving La Ivanović (who really cared about Adam Scott anyway?) in tabloids and celebrity rags worldwide. Already, the Serbian forums are going off! My favourite comment from the Svet.rs website: It's about time she finds herself some nice Serb boy.
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