Korea is here. I happen to stumble on these images taken by world-famous photographer Eric Lafforgue, offering a different insight to the unique country that is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Girl at a public holiday public celebration in Kim Il-sung Square, central Pyongyang

Woman police officer. Check out the shades.

Woman traffic officer directing non-existent traffic in Pyongyang

Family photos

Korean couple.

I love this shot. Despite that these Korean women are performing in a 'Mass Games' choreography, the height of collective subordination, this photo shows that they are all still individuals, and the look on many of them is that they are having fun.

Stunning! Statute of Kim Il-sung

English textbook about Mangyongdae, Kim Il-sung's birthplace. The fact that it is referring to Kim Il-sung as the 'Respected Leader' would suggest that this book was printed in the mid-1990s, so judging by its condition, it has been well used.

Students sweeping around the statue of Kim Il-sung in Pyongyang. Check out the fancy bags and the girl on the right - rather cool look.

Propaganda poster

Genuinely happy school children

Another propaganda poster attacking the USA

Near the Kim Il-sung statue in Pyongyang. Rice being delivered (I saw the same thing happen in Seoul with rice in same type of caldron being delivered to riot police stationed in buses awaiting student protesters). And how about the couple on the top right? Pyongyang yuppies. Love the purple coat!

Lone woman traffic officer in rain coat with nothing to do in Kaesong, a city kilometres away from the DMZ.

Waving the red flag.

Public dance celebrations, Pyongyang.

I love the smile on the woman in yellow on the back of the lorry.

Girls being girls.
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