'Just like a Cold War spy novel' ran one headline. Seems to be where the Western media gained their 'facts'. 10 Russian spies were arrested in the US yesterday. The Western media is already capitalising on this drawing loose parallels to modern day Russia to the old Western clichés of the USSR. Even more respected sources like the BBC are in on the act. As it goes on to say:
'The funniest aspect of the careers of the 10 alleged Russian "agents" arrested in the US is how inept they were - and how apparently unsuccessful.
The most worrying aspect, for Western governments, is that the Russian intelligence agency should be engaged in this kind of endeavour, as if the US were still an enemy.
The old KGB clan, symbolised by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, still seems to exercise influence. It must have been fun for them, a reminder of the "good old days" perhaps, to nurture this network, though surely some smart people in Moscow must have begun to wonder when there would be some results'.
Please! Talk about jingo-ism. Governments, even close allies, spy on each other all the time. Israel has been on the firing line for this as of late, but the insinuation here is that righteous and lawful countries such as the USA or UK would never do such a thing is a complete falsehood and self-delusional myth of the moral highground. On more basic terms - we wear the white hat, Russia wears the black hat. We have here yet another case of the type of paranoid propaganda that the West usually levels at 'bad' countries like Russia or China. This type of reporting provides greater proof that the West still see Russia as the enemy rather than the other way around. And just to add, George Bush Senior was head of the CIA but hardly anything was made of it. Putin, on the other hand, will always be identified as KGB.
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