Oh, they care! As the world looks and goes through the action of political nospeak showing little commitment to democracy for Egypt's masses (while still providing actual support for the hated Mubarak - that's why he's still in power), the other dictators, their wives and rather rich children are shaking in their boots. Though the leaders propped up by the West seem a bit more secure of their continued rule as the Western media will conveniently overlook and downplay protests in those countries, but wait till protests happen in anti-US country, like Syria, then expect to hear quite a lot. Also expect a different type of commitment. As always, the true principles of 'human rights' and 'democracy' are ideological smokescreens for Western self-interest, much like how the humanist values and internationalism of true Communism provided a moral window for what essentially had morphed into the latent Russian nationalist goals of Soviet power worldwide.
But I digress. What is appearing now is how the desperate dictators share oh so much. In previous posts a common thread in the nature of the desperate dictator, their wife/wives and children has appeared - Lady Macbeth wife who's into charity and peace, loves making the bold fashion statement with designer models (and occasional enhancement surgery) while populace suffers from poverty and corruption that has benefited the ruling clique. With this in common, it's only natural that they would cooperate in these fields. I mean, their glory can be shared and their prestige goes beyond the borders of their fiefdom. So it shouldn't be a surprise that the 'caring' Suzanne Mubarak of Egypt has teamed up with the ever-smiling Mehriban Aliyeva of Azerbaijan. In her work for the 'welfare' of Egypt's children, La Aliyeva is on the board of the main library in Egypt's second largest city and the site of the biggest anti-Mubarak demos, Alexandria. A school in the Cairo suburb of Qaulubiyya is also named after the natural-looking Azeri first lady. But nothing tops this song for peace featuring La Mubarak, who apparently wrote the song (bless her socks that she had the time from her busy schedule 'caring' for Egypt's downtrodden to do this), and La Aliyeva. 'Building For Peace' sung by tiptop Azeri starlet Tunzale Agayeva. Every cliché in the book and the kitchen sink have been thrown in. Still, it shows that the desperate housewives 'care'
I think this clip alone is worthy of these gals being tried for crimes against humanity! Of course, the irony is that Suzanne Mubarak and Mehriban Aliyeva were the patrons of the September 2008 Global Youth Employment Summit in Azerbaijan (where the photo above was taken), when one of the main issues the Egyptians are protesting about is the lack of employment opportunities for young people in Mubarak-ruled Egypt. Suzanne, you get a fail mark then, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think that this conference was an excuse for the desperate dictator hosuewives to show off the couture and gorge themselves in expensive canopes and imported champagne while pretending to care. Weeping!
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