21 December 2010

Cheonan sinking - doubts

Thank you Gary for this. Here is a very interesting documentary investigating the flaws and inconsistencies in the evidence and 'facts' gathered surrounding this year's sinking of the South Korean ship Cheonan off an island adjacent to the North Korean west coast. Rather disturbing details are given showing how this sinking cannot possibly be the work of a North Korean torpedo and of the political maneuvering by the south Korean government to ensure that everything conforms to their political agenda. This film gives a very interesting perspective into what is actually happening on the Korean peninsula. Though the shelling of the island of Yeongpyong last month has been portrayed as the evil action of the rogue North Korean leadership, the latest statement by Pyongyang saying that retaliation to the latest provocative joint US/south Korean live fire drills a few days ago was 'just not worth it' shows that DPR Korea not only knows what really is happening but that they are actually not the ones who are itching for conflict. It must be noted that last month's shelling was in response to south Korean live fire drills carried out deliberately and provocatively close to North Korean shore. So why must the south Koreans conduct more drills then unless they want to build up tension? The north Koreans are routinely reviled as 'unpredictable', which really means that the West is frustrated that they are not the ones calling the shots. The north Koreans are Machiavellian in their planning and actions, and they need to be in order to survive. It can be safely said that the West is pissed off that their decades-long predictions that North Korea is on the verge of collapse have failed to eventuate, and look very unlikely to happen any time soon. Though any war in Korea would mean mass causalities, widespread destruction and a huge negative effect on the World's economy, there are many in south Korea who see that they need to take over the North, not least based on Christian fundamentalist reasons - in order to spread the word of God and Jesus to those godless north Koreans. Hence the latest (non) news report of a Christmas tree near the DMZ. Anyway, I'll let you see the film to make your own decision. What is good to see is that the south Korean tendency for activism is still alive and kicking.

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